Have you ever wondered what the easiest dogs to potty train were?
We recently did a post on what the hardest dogs to potty train and that had us thinking, if these are some of the harder dogs to train than what list makes up the easiest dogs to potty train.
We now present that list to you.
We understand that potty training in general can be a lot for any new owner and having a head start on the game, or knowing what to expect, can set you up for success.
As a kid I remember when I got my first puppy and all I wanted to do was keep him indoors, play with him and take care of him.
Oh the naivety of my youth.
I was ill prepared to say the least.
I brought him home all excited and my parents were on board with me keeping him indoors, apart from the other dogs we owned, yet that was only the beginning.
The first night we brought him home he already peed in the corner on the carpet and I had to clean it up.
The nerve of my parents right?
Now that didn’t bother me, but let’s just say my parents weren’t too pleased how things were going with me and his “training”, and he soon became an outdoor pup.
Granted it was only a few days, but my parents weren’t having it.
I know better now but as a new owner sometimes we over look the simple things and how time is a factor when it comes to training your brand new pup.
Not to mention learning about their temperament.
Therefore we wanted to create a list so you and others alike can know what to look for with your specific dog breed.
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What Are The Easiest Dogs To Train and Take Care Of?
Why are these dog breeds easy to train?
So when looking at some of the reasons what makes some dogs easier to train than others we have to look at some of the qualities and characteristics of a specific breed.
History of a breed can play a large role because dogs had very specific responsibilities as they do now then just be pampered as our very own kids, which some of them are.
However, some were bred to deal with a persons current status in life.
For example, if you were a noble of the royal family sometimes dogs were trained to act dignified in certain areas, and some were trained for manual labor like herding.
Which is one of the main characteristics that you can find in many of these breeds that we will present to you soon.
Because of their love for the outdoors and herding animals, aiming to please their owners makes it easier for them to follow commands and become house trained.
How long it will take to train these breeds?
As in any training process there can be no definite time period to how long a dog can be trained.
Some may pick up the training as quick as 7 days, which you can learn the beginning steps here, and to fully train a dog it can take up to several months.
We always recommend to always prepare for the long run.
In reality it will take approximately 6 months to potty train a dog without any accidents or mistakes.
However, don’t get frustrated whether it be at yourself or your dog, which can hinder the time frame. Just enjoy the process or make the process enjoyable for the both of you.
Letting your dog know what you desire from them with praise and treats are a sure way to getting them to listen much faster, and before you know it you will have a well trained dog.
And having a dog that is easier to train might help as well.
The 20 Easiest Dogs To House Train
1. Australian Shepherd

Hailing from the great down under the Australian Shepherd is among cowboys first choice for a dog.
In fact, it’s in their name that this breed are natural herders whether it be sheep, cattle, birds or even your kids lol.
An Aussies remarkable intelligence is capable of hoodwinking any new owner, but regardless of that fact they are very trainable.
Aussies naturally want to keep their space clean so crate training will be like a breeze for them.
A report from the Nest states that when this breed is kept in a create for part of the day they quickly learn to not eliminate themselves in the house.
It works best especially when you reinforce their training with positive feedback along with rewards and treats.
2. Border Collie

Ahhh the border collie.
Naturally athletic born and intelligent the border collie is another breed among the herding family as the ideal partner for training.
They aim to please their owners from their commands and answers quickly so house breaking them will feel like a breeze.
3. Boston Terrier
Take a good look at that face because you may have some challenges when it comes to house breaking this pup.
Related to the french bulldog the Boston Terrier fits into the category as one of the perfect pets for city living and small spaces which comes with the idea of an easier time to train.
Again training for any dog can be a process so don’t be misguided when mistakes happen.
4. Brittany

The Brittany has a temperament as bright, fun-loving, and up-beat.
Even with an unusual name for a dog they are built rugged and strong and ready for any task you may throw at them.
They are a great fit for you hunters seeking a hunting partner, or a teammate for dog sport, or just a great companion for that outdoor life.
5. Doberman Pincher

So do we have any Oliver and Company fans?

You remember the villain’s dog Sykes and Desoto? Well don’t misjudge these beauties as bad dogs.
The Disney movie did get one thing right when they portrayed them as very obedient to their owners. As a highly skilled and intelligent breed potty training will be like a piece of cake.
In fact with positive reinforcement they can catch on within a few days.
6. German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is no stranger when it comes to house training. I can almost guarantee that whenever you think of German Shepherds you think of police dogs.
Do you think this is maybe why they choose this breed to become apart of the protecting forces.
You can count on the German Shepherd to be hardworking and to follow your commands quickly.
I can assure you that you will enjoy a German Shepherd as I had when I was growing up.
7. Kai ken

Any Dragon Ball Z fans out there, I know two kid references what are they thinking?

Anyways do you remember when Goku would power up and he would say something like kaio-ken times two…
was it just me ok, I’ll digress then.
Even though they are not calling for a special power this Japanese breed knows a little something about training just like Goku did.
Similar to Goku who enjoyed his training regimen and seemed like everything came easy for him so it will be to the kai ken. Don’t let their stubbornness get in the way cause breaking them in will be easier than you think.
Ok I’m done with my childhood reminiscence, but it was a classic just saying.
8. Labrador Retriever

As one of the most popular dogs in America, Labs also make it on the list of the easiest dogs to potty train.
Besides them being easy to train and house broken, families love labs because they live long and healthy lives, loves children, genuinely wants to help out, and loves the outdoors.
A great choice for any new owner.
9. Miniature Schnauzer

The Miniature Schnauzer are so easy at being trained that it’s even possible for puppies to be house trained by the time they leave the breeder’s home.
Yet it can be difficult if you switch their training from grass to training pads, but because they take to obedience training well it won’t be long before they’re back on track.
10. Shar-Pei

Say hello to Mr. Wrinkles.
The Chinese Shar-Pei name actually translates to sand skin which describes its loose folding skin.
However, these breeds are strong, regal and independent guardians well known for their intelligence and loyalty.
They can become dominant so be sure to establish your dominance early on with a regular training schedule and you will be well on your way to a well trained sharp Shar-Pei 😁.
11. Shiba Inu

Another pup originating from the asian continent of Japan, Shiba Inu has a reputation for being stubborn, but facts and reputation can be two entirely different things.
While independent in nature and what appears to be stubbornness, this natural independence accompanies hunting breeds according to WagWalking.
In other words these attributes can be the traits that lead to success in easy potty training.
12. Shih Tzu

I mean a picture is worth a thousand words right.
This picture just speaks it all with obedience and training. It gives off an elegant feel, right.
Almost like an arrogant temperament.
Yet, don’t be dismayed they wouldn’t be on this list if this picture was everything you needed to know about the Shih Tzu.
If you’re wondering where they get their name from you would be close if you thought Asia because it’s of Chinese origin.
Bred to spend most of their days in royal palaces its no wonder they are found in many dog shows and groomed with beauty.
13. Standard Poodle

Another breed that are known for being in dog shows. It’s no wonder that this breed, like the others, make it on the list for obedient dogs for easy dog training.
But don’t confuse them for being sissy because of how they are groomed for they are far from that.
Poodles are eager, athletic, and wickedly smart.
Their strength makes up for being trained with great success.
14. Bernese Mountain Dog

Imposing but not threatening the Bernese get along with the entire family and especially are gentle with children.
This majestic breed full of brains and brawns does well with helping and working on farms and pastures.
With their homeland originating from Switzerland they thrive in cold weather so if you do any outdoor activity in the heat be sure to monitor them.
Just be sure to start training early.
15. Shetland Sheepdog

Look its lassie!
No not really but it is lassies smaller cousin lol. Are you beginning to see a trend here?
The majority of the easiest dogs to train are herding breeds.
Bright and eager Shelties are considered world class competitors in obedience and agility classifying them as easy trainers according to the AKC.
16. Brussels Griffon

These small Chubaka like dogs are smart and devoted among the toy like dogs.
They do not bark often and their small indoor manageable size makes them the ideal pet for small apartments and living spaces.
17. Norwich Terrier

The smallest of the terriers clan the Norwich Terrier is known for its confidence, sociability and absolutely loves to bond with their pack of people.
Despite their size this breed is not your average fluff toy dog. They were originally bred as ratters (dogs who catches rats).
They are very energetic and can play all day long, or if you like to Netflix and chill all day then they are up for lap time as well.
Short training periods work best for Norwichs and are great for beginners.
18. Papillon

You can consider the Papillon as one of the diamonds hidden in the rough. Most toy dogs are usually stubborn breeds, but the Papillon is quite intelligent and eager to please you.
Fun fact, the Papillon gets its name from the french word “papillon” which translates to butterfly based on their ears.
Despite their size they are very active and love learning new behaviors and they actually do quite well in various dog sports if your up for the challenge.
19. Cardigan Welsh Corgi

Would you ever think that a dog of this size could be considered as a herding dog.
The older and larger of the corgis they are a strong willed and intelligent breed, again their is a theme why these dogs are easier to train (hint hint).
They are also very sensitive and faithful to their owners, but as a herding dog they need a job so house training and learning new behaviors will feel like a breeze for you.
20. Pembroke Welsh Corgi
The cousin to the Cardigan Corgi there is one way to tell the difference between the two…
Cardigans have tails and the Pembroke do not. You may also recognize them from the many memes highlighting their fluffy butts.

Similar to their cousins they are sensitive to their owners and owners won’t find a more loyal and loving pet who need activity and togetherness.
They are also vigilant watch dogs with a “big dog” bark so you can feel safe with the Pembroke Welsh Corgi by your side.
21. Swedish Vallhund

With the look of a mix between a wolf and a corgi the Swedish Vallund size is built for herding cattle.
They get their history of being on the prow (the head of the ship if you didn’t know what a prow was, I know I didn’t) of Viking longships.
Even though they are a distant cousin to the corgis their genetic makeup is about the same which makes them fairly easy to train.
22. Pumi

We just can’t get enough of these herding breeds can we.
Regardless of its cuteness this Hungarian breed was bred to be a tough and fearless sheepherder moving flocks onto narrow roads and pastures.
You won’t be moving flocks anytime soon I assume, but training them with be easier for you since they enjoy work and playing.
23. Border Terrier

Sometimes described as “hard as nails” when it comes to work, it does not fully describe their home life. Border Terriers are good tempered, affectionate and ultimately trainable.
Bred to be country dogs they love exploring the outdoors and are great for making childhood playmates.
They are well adaptable to city life, but their hunting instincts can come in if squirrels or cats come around.
24. Collie

And last but not least we bring you Lassie, the real Lassie this time.
Known for their extravagant coats they are one of the canine kingdoms to have the most impressive coats, which also means a lot of shedding.
But finishing up strong with this intelligent and sensitive breed the Collie learns quick and happily with some gentle training.
Oh and if your wondering if they make a great family pet then you will be happy to know that collies are fond of children and are wonderful family pets.
What Are The Hardest Dog Breeds To Potty Train?
Now you know 24 of some of the easiest dogs to train and in order for us not to create a huge list of the hardest dogs, we have created another article that addresses that exact same question.
Discover 20 of the hardest dogs to potty train here and what makes these breeds a little difficult to have them adapt to their new home.
Are Male or Female Dogs Easier To Potty Train?
So does the gender of the dog make a difference in how training will go.
Well according to petmd there is no such thing as the “superior sex”.
However, we can’t say there aren’t benefits in owning one sex over the other.
In fact, female dogs are smaller than male dogs and they will reach maturity a little faster giving an advantage over training.
This does not mean it will be easy with all female breeds.
Training all depends on factors that play a significant role for a dog.
Things like how they were raised, their experiences, and their stubbornness to learn.
But we are not saying it can’t be done.
But according to genetic make up there can be a slight advantage of being female.
How does that sound ladies?
How To Potty Train A Puppy?
Ok so we know that you just learned what the easiest dogs to potty train were so the next question you might have is how to do it and become successful at it.
Well we know you just got a whole lot of information just from this article alone and we didn’t want to fill this whole page with the same information we already written.
Therefore we will give you a snap shot and if you would like you can read the full article here.
Here is a quick guide for getting started.
1. Create a schedule
Creating a schedule of when you feed them and when to take them out will help you out tremendously for knowing when the have to use the bathroom and how long they can hold it.
And every morning when you wake up and before you go to bed take them out to relieve themselves.
2 Crate training
What this entails is creating and controlling the environment your new puppy is learning to consider their home.
Start small and either block off a certain area in the home with wither a barrier for them to roam around or place them in a comfortable crate so they associate what is their room and separate their bathroom.
3. Give lots of praise and rewards
In order for your pup to begin getting positive emotions when they go in the right place give them lots of praise and treats for being a good boy.
Good treats and praise will condition them with the specific cues for good behavior.
4. Consistency
Finally, in order for all this to stick you must consistently do these steps and be patient.
Accidents are prone to happen, but just help to correct what they did and try to pick them up and show them the right spot, don’t forget those pee pads for those indoor mistakes.
Before you know it you will see your pup picking up the cues you have been giving them.
That’s it, this should be a good start for you to begin.
Remember we are not trained professionals and you should always consult with your local vet or a certified trainer if you feel you need more help than what our information provides.
Well that about concludes are summary of the 24 easiest dogs to potty train. Always remember training is a process so be patient and loving with your pup and you will get there.
If you want to find more information about these specific dog breeds be sure to check out the AKC for all your dog questions and history or these amazing pups
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