Have you Ever Wondered If Coconut Oil Was A Good Supplement For Your Dog?
Before we we go into all the details about coconut oil and how it can affect your dog I will like you to introduce you to somebody.

Meet Peaches.
As you can see from the caption peaches got herself into a little trouble all because she wanted to play and make some new friends…
is anything wrong with that?
It is when you catch fleas from them, there’s a life lesson in there guys.
But her owner knew just what to do and got some coconut oil and applied it to her and suffocated those pesky infestations.
(for more hilarious and unbelievable stories like these visit dogshaming, just a pre-warning though you might get caught up in a rabbit hole)
Wait you mean to tell me you can get rid of fleas from the simple mere fact of applying coconut oil.
As hard as that may sound…
And this is just one of the many benefits of using coconut oil with and for your dog.
In this post we will go over everything you need to know, or didn’t know, that you could do with coconut oil.
We may even address some of those questions you may have been dying to know.
So let’s dive in shall we?
*This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my link, at no extra cost to you.
What Are The Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Dogs?
So with all the vitamins and supplements out there on the market and with the majority of them having different variations of oils, like fish oil to salmon oil.
What is coconut oil actually good for?
Well did you know that coconut oil has many health benefits for us as humans, such as…
- It’s an Alzheimers natural treatment
- Prevents heart disease and high blood pressure
- Protects the Liver and treats kidney infection
==> For more info check out the 20 benefits of coconut oil for humans
I mean who knew that coconut oil can be that beneficial for us as humans, I might really need to add this to my daily diet regimen.
But What About Us Doggos?
Well it seems that coconut oil has many benefits for dogs as well.
For one it can be considered an all in one supplement.
In fact, one of the best aspects of this is that it’s all natural.
So for those of you looking for a more natural homeopathic method (alternative medicine) this is a route you can definitely look into.

So what are the benefits of using coconut oil for your dog?
we’ll give you 5.
1. A Healthy Coat.

For number 1, it seems most oils are good for your dogs coat, and coconut oil is no exception.
The oil can add moisture to your pups skin and prevent flaking.
Just remember when applying it to your dogs coat that you apply it lightly, don’t worry we will go over some ways how to apply it later on.
2. Heals Wounds and Small Cuts

Applying coconut oil to your dogs wound can help in their healing process.
Think of it almost as Neosporin for your dog.
Because it is safe to digest it is ok if your dog begins to lick it off.
If you want to prevent your dog from licking the oil off then you can wrap the wound with a towel giving it time for the oil to disinfect the wound and help speed up the healing process.
It’s also known to help with bad dog breath. Coconut oil contains antibacterial properties which is why it can help in the process of healing cuts.
You can even apply some to yourself if you get cut as well. Now you and your dog can having matching bandages.
3. Eliminates B.D.O. (Bad Dog Odor)

Not only is it good for your canine’s breath, but it helps to eliminate the odors that emanate from your dog.
It’s like a mouth wash and deodorant all in one.
Adding small doses of coconut oil to their diet is best for helping to eliminate those offensive bad dog odors.
*The recommended dosage amount is around 1 teaspoon for every 10 pounds or 1 tablespoon for 30 pound dogs.
4. Helps Treat Cognitive Disorders

We know that as a dog matures and gets older their brain function can begin to decrease.
Signs of this can be confusion, constant pacing around the home, and random accidents of eliminating themselves.
Because of this many disorders arise such as memory loss, and Alzheimers. When I first learned about this I didn’t realize how much dogs related so much to us as humans, dogs truly are amazing.
Adding this coconut oil regularly to their diet will help to fight against the disorder to develop.
Interesting fact, It’s also said to ward off dementia in humans.
5. Weight Loss

Last but not least, another benefit is weight loss. If your dog suffers from obesity then begin to introduce coconut oil into their diet.
Coconut oil as a natural supplement will help to aid along their weight loss with regular exercise.
==>For more info on the benefits of Coconut oil check out this article
However, coconut oil does not contain omega-3 fatty acids, as in fish oil and salmon oil, so it is not a replacement, but an addition to their existing supplement if you are serving them any…
and if your looking for some you can check out this article for some other natural supplements we recommend.
Always be sure to check with your vet to be sure if it’s safe for your dog.
If you want to see just how coconut oil has benefited many dog owners Bruce Fife has written countless stories in his book Coconut Cures on just how coconut oil is used for more than just the 5 benefits we mentioned earlier.
Here is a short snippet from the book…
“The veterinarian said it looked like a tumor,” the owner reported, “and he recommended immediate surgery. I figured that if coconut oil is good for humans, it should be good for animals as well, so I began applying it to the lump on my dog’s forehead. As time passed, the lump grew smaller and smaller and eventually disappeared. It never returned. We avoided the surgery.
“Some time later my other dog developed sores just above his upper lip. The vet gave him an antibiotic, but it didn’t seem to do any good. After a week I stopped the medication and began applying coconut oil to the sores. They got worse for a few days and then began to heal. He recovered without a problem.”
But will coconut oil help my dog’s itchy skin?
Just to reiterate, do you remember the story of peaches and the attack of the fleas?
Well, combine the suffocating of the fleas and the application of coconut oil for healing wounds and you get one of the best natural preventative ointments on the market.
In short, yes.
Not only does it help to heal wounds, but it actually has the ability to clear up skin conditions such as allergic reactions, eczema, and the dreaded itchy skin.
Again it is safe to digest so don’t worry if they begin to start licking it off, even though that helps you silly dog.

Health Risks For Dogs and Coconut Oil
Ok we talked about the many benefits that coconut oil can play a role in your dogs life, but what are some of the risks involved?
Are there any and what should you be aware of.
Can coconut oil hurt your dog?
Here are 3 risks you should look out for when giving your dog coconut oil.
1. Diarrhea
Diarrhea can come about if too much coconut oil is given to your dogs diet to quickly and given in large amounts.
2. Allergic reactions
Be sure to check with your vet to be sure that your dog is not allergic to any of the ingredients found in coconut oil.
3. Flu like symptoms
Another side effect that can come about is flu like symptoms if consumed too much too fast.
In short coconut oil should be giving in moderation. Its like the old saying goes too much can kill ya, I’m sorry that might have been a little too dark.
How To Consume Coconut Oil For Dogs
How to take coconut oil for dogs orally
Knowing that you want to add coconut oil to your dogs diet, here’s how.
How much you should give your dog all depends on their size and it can be given 1-2 times per day with each meal.
If they are new to coconut oil and you’re just introducing them to it then according to petmd it’s best to start them off slow with a small dose of about 1/4 a teaspoon.
As mentioned earlier in one of the benefits, it’s recommended to give 1 teaspoon for small dogs or 1 tablespoon for big dogs.
If your dog is overweight though it is best not to give them no more than 1 spoonful a day because coconut oil does contain high fat.
Regardless these fats contain many benefits, it is just important to watch your dogs portion intake.
Consuming dry dog food with coconut oil
When giving your dog coconut oil you should give them in small doses, the 1/4 teaspoon or 1 teaspoon depending on the size of your dog.
There are two ways you can give them the oil with their food, either feed them directly with a spoon or you can add the measurement with the food so they can consume it while there are having a meal.
Another great option that you can do to give them coconut oil in their diet is making treats for them.
Coconut oil is great when used as a base for dog treats and a quick recipe to DIY is mixing tumeric and vitamin D with the coconut oil.
Check out these 22 tasty dog treat recipes that you can make yourself for more fun ideas.
Turmeric works as an anti- inflammatory and vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin (can dissolve in fats and oils), but remember over supplementation can lead to kidney problems.
How To Apply Coconut Oil To Your Dog
Ok we learned that there are multiple uses for the coconut oil, but now it’s time to learn some of the different applications you can use coconut oil for.
Some of these known areas have been proven to have a great effect on dogs.
When applying coconut oil, if you would like to use it regularly just massage a little, enough to lightly coat your dogs skin and let it sit for about 5 mins and you can then rinse them off.
If they still feel excessively greasy then you can give them a quick/light shampoo and rinse.
If it comes to applying towards an affected area just massage it into the area and give it a few minutes to sink in.
Again you can cover the area in order for your dog not to lick off the coconut oil before it takes affect.
Coconut oil applications for dogs
When it comes to topical application of coconut oil they are good for the following conditions
- Bites
- Stings
- Ear mites
- Ear infections
- Cuts
- Wounds
- Itchy skin
- Flea allergies
- Improves skin health and hair conditions
- Also clears up: warts, moles, psoriasis, eczema, dandruff, precancerous lesions, athlete’s foot, jock itch, diaper rash, ringworm, vaginal yeast infections, and toenail fungus
Applying coconut oil for dogs paws
Did you know that dogs can suffer from dry skin, or in their case, dry paws.
Paws can become sore from walking and running on different surfaces and thus leading to dry itchy and flaky paws.
A clear sign that you know your dog is suffering from dry paws is if they are constantly chewing or licking their paws.
Luckily there is coconut oil.
Coconut is an excellent massage oil and massaging some into your dogs paws can help to moisturize their paws preventing itchy flaking skin.
and again if your asking…
Can I leave coconut oil on my dog
Coconut oil is safe to consume if they do begin licking at their paws.
However, if you do want it to sink in try to either distract them from licking it off or massage it in for a few minutes.

Where To Buy Coconut Oil For Dogs?
Ok before we get into the nitty gritty of where to buy coconut oil let’s address something.
There are two types of coconut oil:
Refined and Unrefined
Let’s go over the differences and which one is best for your dog.
Refined can be defined as processed. Processed coconut oil is usually labeled as RBD or refined, bleached and deodorized.
Sound appealing yet? 😄
It is made from copra, or dried meat from the coconut, and treated to remove impurities.
Most RBD is inexpensive and usually bland and all of the nutrients are not found in RBD.
If your wondering like me if refined coconut oil is edible let me help you…
it is.
RBD has a high smoke point so its usually used for stir frying and baking as well as for skin and hair products.
On to unrefined.
Simply put unrefined coconut oil goes through a more natural process.
There are two ways that the oil is processed: wet and dry
Wet: The wet method refers to a machine pressing the coconut meat to produce the milk and oil. They are then separated through fermentation and centrifugal machines.
Dry: The dry method is when mature coconuts are dried very quickly with small amounts of heat and then a machine presses the oil out.
As you can see a much easier and healthier process than the RBD and it retains its natural nutrients and fats.
Another term for unrefined that you might see for it is virgin or extra virgin. They both mean the same for unrefined.
So the question now is “Which type of oil is best for my dog?”.
The best recommended oil to get is unrefined, virgin organic coconut oil such as Garden of Life below, both safe for humans and dogs.
Or if you looking for a coconut oil made just for dogs then we recommend checking out Zesty Paws Coconut Oil for Dogs.
If you would like to purchase coconut oil at a local store then any big box retailers usually carry coconut oil, and if you can’t find it in the baking aisle along with the other oils you can usually find it in the organic section.
So to answer the original question that got us started with this whole article…
Is Coconut Oil Good For Your Dog…
We like to think so
However, every owner is different and you have to make the best decision that you think is right for you and your dog.
Hopefully this article is a valid source for you to know the many options you have available.
I know I use coconut oil personally for skin applications but with all these other benefits why not.
We always want to recommend that you consult your local veterinarian if you have any further questions when it comes to your dog and their health.
You never know how your pup may react to coconut oil or how you are giving it to them, but if given in moderation the benefits can supersede the negatives.
Thank you and if you enjoyed this and found it valuable then please share this with your friends and other dog lovers.
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