Puppy Checklist: The Guide To Know What To Buy For A New Puppy

Getting a new puppy can be an exciting moment in a new dog owners life but the question still needs to be asked…

Are you ready for a new puppy to add to your home and family?

Getting a new member can be fun, but it is good to know what you need to get and be prepared for the new addition.

But you probably don’t know where to even get started.

Questions arise like…

What do I need for a new puppy?


How long can a puppy be left alone during the day?

Don’t worry, consider this your new puppy advice.

We will outline the various questions you may have and provide a list of essential supplies you will need when it comes to getting a new puppy into your home.

At the end will even provide you with a printable new puppy checklist you can download to take with you while you shop.

Let’s get started shall we?

What To Do When You First Get A Puppy?

Before you even get a new puppy preparation is key.

You must think how will your new pup fit into your home and your family.

If you live alone then its a little easier, but if you have a family with kids then preparation might look a little different.

Yet we will go over more on that with the checklist.

Just like expecting a new baby you must prepare for blocking off areas and expect things like chewing, a lot of chewing.

It will also be good to look into doggy home care.

It will take some time for your new pup to get acclimated to you and the new home, but when your not home you will need someone to watch over your new little pup.

Then prepping the home with supplies are key, which is what this article is primarily about.

So let’s get on to what you need right?

What Do I Need For A New Puppy?

Ok so we compiled a must have list for new dog owners and we concluded about 12 supplies.

We will list them out and why they are important and even a link for you to purchase them online.

Ok on to the list.

1. Dog Crate or Play pen

A dog crate comes into play for helping with house training and behavior issues.

Because dogs have a natural denning instinct which means they are more comfortable in enclosed quarters which makes them feel safer.

Don’t get too big of a crate though but just big enough for them to stand up, turn around, and lie down.

A good crate is good for creating and establishing sleeping patterns.

A play pen acts in the same way as it blocks off certain areas giving the pup a make like den for them.

Be sure to get a wire frame so they are able to see through helping them to become more familiar with the new environment.

2. Dog Food

This should be a given but it is imperative to get dog food for your new pup.

A puppy needs to eat about 3 times a day so you will need have plenty of food for them.

However there are specific types of dog food made for your new pup.

Always purchase high quality dog food and look for labels that say “formulated for puppies” and you will be on the right path.

Check with your vet as well for any recommend foods they suggest.

In the mean time here are some dog foods we recommend.

3. Water & Food Bowls

Since we just finished talking about dog food your new pup is going to need somewhere to eat there dog food and drink water too.

Because puppies need to eat 3 times a day they need to have clean water nearby.

Be sure to get a stainless steel bowl because steel collects less bacteria than plastic over time (source).

4. Collar and Leash

A leash and collar is essential to having a new pup for training, walking, and identifying your brand new pup.

Nylon collars are the best to have, but remember to get an adjustable one due to the fact that your pup will grow strong fast.

Nylon collars are lighter and the most comfortable. When it comes to buying a leash a shorter range leash is best for early obedience training.

Allow them to where it in the home before going out in order to get them used to it.

A note for taking them for a walk, let them walk at their own pace for dragging them will acclimate them to the pulling sensation.

Check the links below for our recommendations.

5. ID Tag

Losing your pup can be frustrating and apart of having a new pup sometimes.

Yet getting an ID Tag for them will help to ensure that your pup returns home safely.

Purchase a tag and attach it to their collar and include their name, a phone number and an address for a safe return.

You will be glad you did.

6. Play and Chew Toys

It seems puppies love to chew on anything they can get there teeth on.

So we suggest that you get chew toys ASAP.

So when you find them chewing on something they shouldn’t offer a chew toy in place.

7. Dog Shampoo

Young pups are prime targets for fleas, which causes itchy pups. This can even cause your pup to have allergies.

That is why dog shampoo is imperative to eliminate this problem.

It’s best to get natural or organic and always consult your vet for the best recommendation.

In the meantime here is ours…

8. Training Pad

Accidents happen with new pups, but you cant help prevent this with training pads.

When they go you don’t have to worry about smells or odors or it spreading all over the place.

9. Dog Bed

Now your pup needs a place to sleep right?

Remember dogs are den animals so pups like to be warm and comfortable when they sleep.

You can place the bed in there crate to give them that sense of comfortability.

Be aware though that a soft and plush bed can become a target for a chew toy.

10. Bitter Apple Spray

So you’re almost done prepping your home, but they are a few things that you can do to pup proof your home.

Like the Bitter Apple Spray.

This spray will help with the constant chewing.

Odorless for you as a owner, but this will leave an unappealing smell for your pup and keep them away from your furniture and items you would like to protect.

Check out Grannick’s Bitter Apple Spray Below

11. Enzyme Cleaner

You rememeber those accidents that tend to happen with pups.

Sometimes they will not go on the training pad you purchased but there is a way to help cleanup and remove the order.

Introducing the enzyme cleaner

Cleanup should happen within seconds and the odor that this enzyme cleaner will remove is the odor that pups can smell that will remind them they’ve gone to the bathroom in a particular part of the home.

Avoid using ammonia which smells like pee to a dog because dogs love going to where they went before.

12. Grooming Tools

Last but not least you have grooming tools for your pup.

More specifically nail trimmers for your pups nails.

Their nails can grow quickly and unless you want to take them for a grooming every week then you should look into some personal nail trimmers.

Cutting your pups nails can be tricky so be sure to look up the best practice for cutting nails because you can cause bleeding and pain which can lead to infection.

If that scares you don’t fret because there are nail trimmers that have a safety guard to help protect you and your pup from the dangers of cutting too short.

Another good tool to have to help with your pups hair is a brush.

brushing everyday will help them get use to you grooming them and for long hair you can try a metal comb to help sift through.


That was a lot I know, but hey now you know exactly what you need to buy for your new puppy.

I hope after this you feel well prepared.

If not I told you we would have a downloadable checklist for you to download.

If you would like to get it just provide us your email below and get our free new puppy checklist.

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